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-->>:admonish::to caution against danger; to warn The father @d the children about talking to strangers.
-->>:atrophy::to waste away; to wither The long bed rest caused her muscles to @.
-->>:bilk::to cheat; to deceive The conman @d the widow out of her savings.
-->>:careen::to lurch or twist from side to side while moving The automobile @d out of control down the highway.
-->>:commute::to lessen the severity of a punishment; to regularly travel a distance The governor @d the prisoner's sentence to a lesser time.
-->>:covet::to long for something, especially that which belongs to another The child @d his friend's Chris Nyman baseball card.
-->>:deplete::to reduce or lessen; to partially empty The long drought @d the water in the reservoir.
-->>:disparage::to treat or speak of with disrespect or contempt It is unkind to @ the accomplishments of others.
-->>:emigrate::to move away from one country or place to settle in another Many Irish @d from their land in the 1840's.
-->>:exemplify::to show by good example; to illustrate The ballplayer tried to @ good sportsmanship.
-->>:flounce::to move with exaggerated motion; to move suddenly The clown @d about the stage in silly motions.
-->>:habituate::to accustom to a condition by repetition The man soon became @d to the cold climate.
-->>:impugn::to attack with criticism or arguments; dispute thetruth of The lawyer tried to @ the motives of the judge.
-->>:intone::to recite in a monotonous manner; to chant The Pope @d the blessing over the crowd.
-->>:lunge::to suddenly thrust forward; to plunge forward The wrestler quickly @d forward and grabbed his opponent.
-->>:mollify::to soothe someone; to calm The arbitrator tried to @ the egos of the two parties.
-->>:pall::to become uninteresting or dull; to have a dullingeffect The sudden bad weather @d the celebration.
-->>:replenish::to bring back to fullness; to fill up The waitress dutifully @d the water glasses.
-->>:transcend::to rise above in excellence or degree; to exceed alimit The military leader was able to @ politics.
-->>:yowl::to utter a loud, long cry of distress or grief